Escape is such a thankful Word I often in the Night Consider it unto myself No spectacle in sight Escape - it is the Basket
865 He outstripped Time with but a Bo… He outstripped Stars and Sun And then, unjaded, challenged God In presence of the Throne.
964 “Unto Me?” I do not know you— Where may be your House? “I am Jesus—Late of Judea— Now—of Paradise”—
684 Best Gains—must have the Losses’… To constitute them—Gains—
XXII I GAVE myself to him, And took himself for pay. The solemn contract of a life Was ratified this way.
Wild Nights! Wild Nights! Were I with thee, Wild Nights should be Our luxury! Futile the winds
808 So set its Sun in Thee What Day be dark to me— What Distance—far— So I the Ships may see
Whether they have forgotten Or are forgetting now Or never remembered - Safer not to know - Miseries of conjecture
854 Banish Air from Air— Divide Light if you dare— They’ll meet While Cubes in a Drop
828 The Robin is the One That interrupt the Morn With hurried—few—express Reports When March is scarcely on—
The Black Berry—wears a Thorn in… But no Man heard Him cry— He offers His Berry, just the sam… To Partridge—and to Boy— He sometimes holds upon the Fence…
Presentiment is that long shadow o… Indicative that suns go down; The notice to the startled grass That darkness is about to pass.
694 The Heaven vests for Each In that small Deity It craved the grace to worship Some bashful Summer’s Day—
538 ’Tis true—They shut me in the Col… But then—Themselves were warm And could not know the feeling ’tw… Forget it—Lord—of Them—
737 The Moon was but a Chin of Gold A Night or two ago— And now she turns Her perfect Fac… Upon the World below—