574 My first well Day — since many il… I asked to go abroad, And take the Sunshine in my hands… And see the things in Pod —
It stole along so stealthy Suspicion it was done Was dim as to the wealthy Beginning not to own -
It’s like the light,— A fashionless delight It’s like the bee,— A dateless melody. It’s like the woods,
413 I never felt at Home–Below– And in the Handsome Skies I shall not feel at Home–I know– I don’t like Paradise–
A little bread—a crust—a crumb— A little trust—a demijohn— Can keep the soul alive— Not portly, mind! but breathing—wa… Conscious—as old Napoleon,
252 I can wade Grief— Whole Pools of it— I’m used to that— But the least push of Joy
Sometimes with the Heart Seldom with the Soul Scarcer once with the Might Few - love at all.
788 Joy to have merited the Pain— To merit the Release— Joy to have perished every step— To Compass Paradise—
694 The Heaven vests for Each In that small Deity It craved the grace to worship Some bashful Summer’s Day—
847 Finite’—to fail, but infinite to… For the one ship that struts the s… Many’s the gallant’—overwhelmed C… Nodding in Navies nevermore’—
805 This Bauble was preferred of Bees… By Butterflies admired At Heavenly—Hopeless Distances— Was justified of Bird—
386 Answer July— Where is the Bee— Where is the Blush— Where is the Hay?
547 I’ve seen a Dying Eye Run round and round a Room— In search of Something—as it seem… Then Cloudier become—
Departed to the judgment, A mighty afternoon; Great clouds like ushers leaning, Creation looking on. The flesh surrendered, cancelled
281 ’Tis so appalling—it exhilarates— So over Horror, it half Captivate… The Soul stares after it, secure— A Sepulchre, fears frost, no more…