#Americans #Women #PoemsOfPower
Our lives are songs. God writes t… And we set them to music at pleasu… And the song grows glad, or sweet,… As we choose to fashion the measur… We must write the music, whatever…
Sometimes she seems so helpless an… So full of sweet unreason and so w… So prone to some capricious whim o… Now gay, now tearful, and now ange… By her strange moods of waywardnes…
All wondering, and eager-eyed, wit… I made my plea to Hostess Life, o… “Pray show me this great house of… But let me wander where I will, a… For many rooms, and curious things…
Whatever is a cruel wrong, Whatever is unjust, The honest years that speed along Will trample in the dust. In restless youth I railed at fat…
I love the tropics, where sun and… Go forth together, a joyous train, To hold up the green, gay side of… And to keep earth’s banners of blo… I love the scents that are hidden…
I loved a maiden, long ago, She held within her hand my fate; And in the ruddy sunset glow We lingered at the garden gate. The splendor of the western skies
In the face of the sun are great t… And the storm-clouds have shut out… But a Rainbow of Promise now shin… And the universe thrills at the si… Tis the flag of our Union, the re…
Came a bouquet from the city, Fragrant, rich and debonair - Sweet carnation and geraniium, Heliotrope and roses rare. Down beside the crystal river,
Our thoughts are moulding unmade s… And, like a blessing or a curse, They thunder down the formless yea… And ring throughout the universe. We build our futures by the shape
I: BLIND When first the shadows fell, like… And darkness spread before me, lik… I cried out for the sun, the earth… And beat the air, as madmen beat a…
Sometimes, when I am toil-worn an… And tired out with working long an… And earth is dark, and skies above… And heart and soul are all too sic… These words have come to me like a…
With care, and skill, and cunning… She parried Time’s malicious dart… And kept the years at bay, Till passion entered in her heart And aged her in a day!
This little toe is hungry– This little toe is too, This toe lies abed like a sleepy h… And this toe cries ‘Boo-hoo.’ This toe big and tall is the smart…
Let the dream go. Are there not o… In vastness of clouds hid from thy… That yet shall gild with beautiful… And shoot the shadows through and… What matters one lost vision of th…
A little leaf just in the forest’s… All summer long, had listened to t… Of amorous brids that flew across… Singing their blithe sweet songs f… So many were the flattering things…