#Americans #Women
Slipping away—slipping away! Out of our brief year slips the M… And Winter lingers, and Summer fl… And Sorrow abideth, and Pleasure… And the days are short, and the ni…
The voices of the city—merged and… Into a mighty dissonance of sound, And from the medley rose these bro… In changing time and ever-changing… Pleasure seekers, silken clad,
There is no progress in the world… However wise and wonderful they ar… Their wisdom makes not increase.… To wider goals, in that tense stri… A Sovereign Ruler? Forth from f…
I think that the bitterest sorrow… Of love unrequited, or cold death’… Is sweet compared to that hour whe… That some grand passion is on the… When we see that the glory and glo…
Wherever the white man’s feet have… (Oh far does the white man stray) A bold road rifles the virginal so… And the forest wakes out of its dr… To yield him the right of way.
In the faint flush upon the tell-t… And in the pallor that succeeds it… The quivering lid of an averted ey… The smile that proves the parent o… Thus doth Love speak.
High o’er the clouds a sunbeam sho… And far down under him, With a subtle grace that was all h… The mist gleamed fair and dim. He looked at her with his burning…
There was a fair green garden slop… From the south-east side of the mo… And the earliest tint of the dawn… Down through its paths, from the d… The bluest skies and the reddest r…
I saw a Christian, a temperance m… Casting his ballot one day at the… One who believes he does what he c… Toward the reclaiming and saving o… And may be he does-may be he does!
I look to Science for the cure of… To patient righting of a thousand… To final healing of a thousand ill… Blind runner now, and cruel egotis… It yet leads on to more than morta…
Whatever the task that comes your… Just take it as part of your luck. Look it right square in the eyes,… ‘This is my
Three million women without mates In lonely homes on earth! And Cupid sighs at heaven’s gates… Where many a spirit ego waits Its call again to birth.
That was a curious dream; I thoug… Great planets that are drawing nea… With such unerring certainty begun To talk together in a mighty glee. They spoke of vast convulsions whi…
I sit in the twilight dim At the close of an idle day, And I list to the soft sweet hymn… That rises far away, And dies on the evening air.
There is a courage, a majestic thi… That springs forth from the brow o… Minerva-like, and dares all danger… And all the threatening future yet… Crowned with the helmet of great s…