Oh, you who read some song that I… What know you of the soul from whe… Dost dream the poet ever speaks al… His secret thought unto the listen… Go take the murmuring sea-shell fr…
Among the twelve hundred poems which have emanated from my too prolific pen there are some forty or fifty which treat entirely of that emotion which has been denominated “the grand pass...
How does Love speak? In the faint flush upon the tell-t… And in the pallor that succeeds it… The quivering lid of an averted ey… The smile that proves the parent t…
How can I wait until you come to… The once fleet mornings linger by… Their sunny smiles touched with ma… At my unrest, they seem to pause,… Like truant children, while I sig…
When my blood flows calm as a purl… When my heart is asleep and my bra… It is then that I vow we must par… That I will forget you, and put y… Out of my life, as a dream is bani…
It is a common fate—a woman’s lot— To waste on one the riches of her… Who takes the wealth she gives him… Repay the interest, and much less… As I look up into your eyes and w…
Ah yes, I love you, and with all… Just as a weaker woman loves her o… Better than I love my beloved art… Which, until you came, reigned roy… My king, my master. Since I saw y…
After the fierce midsummer all abl… Has burned itself to ashes, and ex… In the intensity of its own fires, There come the mellow, mild, St.… Crowned with the calm of peace, bu…
Well, how has it been with you sin… That last strange time of a hundre… When we met to swear that we could… I your caresses, and you my rhymes… The rhyme of my lays that rang lik…
All love that has not friendship f… Is like a mansion built upon the s… Though brave its walls as any in t… And its tall turrets lift their he… Though skillful and accomplished a…
Let us begin, dear love, where we… Tie up the broken threads of that… And go on happy as before; and see… Lovers again, though all the world… Let us forget the graves, which li…
Here now, for evermore, our lives… My path leads there, and yours ano… What shall we do with this fond lo… It grows a heavier burden day by d… Hide it? In all earth’s caverns,…
They drift down the hall together; He smiles in her lifted eyes. Like waves of that mighty river The strains of the ‘Danube’ rise. They float on its rhythmic measure…
Good-bye – Yes, I am going, Sudden? Well, you are right. But a startling truth came home to… With sudden force last night. What is it? shall I tell you?—
(After James Thomson) As I came through the Valley of… As I came through the valley, onm… More awful that the darkness of th… Shone glimpses of a Past that had…
The year has but one June, dear f… The year has but one June; And when that perfect month doth e… The robin’s song, though loud, tho… Seems never quite in tune.
Yes, yes! I love thee, Guilo; the… Why dost thou sigh, and wear that… The sunshine is to-day’s, although… On yesterday, and may shine on to-… I love but thee, my Guilo! be con…
I was smoking a cigarette; Maud, my wife, and the tenor McKe… Were singing together a blithe due… And days it were better I should… Came suddenly back to me,
Do you remember the name I wore— The old pet-name of Little Queen… In the dear, dead days that are no… The happiest days of our lives, I… For we loved with that passionate…
Wherefore in dreams are sorrows bo… A healed wound opened, or the past… Last night in my deep sleep I dre… Again the old love woke in me, and… On looks of fire, and kisses, and…
In the midnight of darkness and te… When I would grope nearer to God, With my back to a record of error And the highway of sin I have tro… There comes to me shapes I would…
Once in the world’s first prime, When nothing lived or stirred, Nothing but new-born Time, Nor was there even a bird— The Silence spoke to a Star,
Time flies. The swift hours hurr… And speed us on to untried ways; New seasons ripen, perish, die, And yet love stays. The old, old love– like sweet at f…
Changed? Yes, I will confess it—… I do not love in the old fond way. I am your friend still– time has n… One kindly feeling of that vanishe… But the bright glamour which made…
I think that the bitterest sorrow… Of love unrequited, or cold death’… Is sweet compared to that hour whe… That some grand passion is on the… When we see that the glory and glo…
Dost thou not tire, Isaura, of th… ‘What play?’ Why, this old play o… Nay, now, lift not thine eyes in t… ’Tis all in vain—I know thee and… Let us be frank, Isaura. I have m…
Alone she sat with her accusing he… That, like a restless comrade frig… And every thought that found her,… That hurt her so, she could not ev… Her heart that once had been a cup…
I and new love, in all its living… Sat vis-à-vis, while tender twilig… Went softly by us, treading as on… Then suddenly I saw within the ro… The old love, long since lying in…
Not quite the same the springtime… Since that sad season when in sepa… Our paths diverged. There are no… As dawned for us in that last time… Dwelt in the realm of dreams, illu…
When the first sere leaves of the… I heard, with a heart that was str… Out of the grave of a dead Past c… A voice I fancied forever stilled… All through winter and spring and…
The band was playing a waltz-quadr… I felt as light as a wind-blown fe… As we floated away, at the caller’… Through the intricate, mazy dance… Like mimic armies our lines were m…
Why are thou sad, my Beppo? But… Here at my feet, thy dear head on… I heard thee say thy heart would n… Or feel the olden ennui and unrest… What troubles thee? Am I not all…
I am tired to-night, and something… The wind maybe, or the rain, Or the cry of a bird in the copse… Has brought back the past and its… And I feel as I sit here thinking…
The solemn Sea of Silence lies be… I know thou livest, and them loves… And yet I wish some white ship wo… Across the ocean, beating word fro… The dead calm awes me with its awf…
I have lived this life as the skep… I have said the sweetness was less… Praising, nor cursing, the Hand t… I have drifted aimlessly through i… I have scoffed at the tale of a so…
She had looked for his coming as w… With the clash of arms and the bug… But he came instead with a stealth… Which she did not hear at all. She had thought how his armor woul…
Long have the poets vaunted, in th… Old times, old loves, old friendsh… Why should the old monopolise all… Then let the new claim mine. Give me strong new friends, when t…
All perfect things are saddening i… The autumn wood robed in its scarl… The matchless tinting on the royal… Whose velvet leaf by no least flaw… Love’s supreme moment, when the so…
The meadow and the mountain with d… Gazed on each other, till a fierce… Surged ‘neath the meadow’s seeming… And all the mountain’s fissures ra… A mighty river rolled between them…
Nay, nay, Antonio! nay, thou shal… My Gracia, who hath so deserted m… Thou art my friend, but if thou do… I shall not hesitate to challenge… ‘Curse and forget her?’ So I migh…
On the white throat of useless pas… That scorched my soul with its bur… I clutched my fingers in murderous… And gathered them close in a grip… For why should I fan, or feed wit…
Dear Love, where the red lilies b… The white snows are falling; And all through the woods where I… The loud winds are calling; And the robin that piped to us tun…
If all the year was summer time, And all the aim of life Was just to lilt on like a rhyme, Then I would be your wife. If all the days were August days,
You will forget me. The years are… They bind up the wounds which we t… This dream of our youth will fade… Fades from the skies when the sun… The cloud of forgetfulness, over a…
Adieu, Romauld! But thou canst no… Although no more I haunt thy drea… Thy hungering heart forever must r… And starve for those lost moments… Naught shall avail thy priestly ri…
We love but once. The great gold… From dawn to eventide doth cast hi… But the full splendour of his perf… Is reached but once throughout the… We love but once. The waves, wit…