I step across the mystic border-la… And look upon the wonder-world of… How beautiful, how beautiful its h… And all its valleys, how surpassin… The winding paths that lead up to…
It is easy enough to be pleasant, When life flows by like a song, But the man worth while is one who… When everything goes dead wrong. For the test of the heart is troub…
All wondering, and eager-eyed, wit… I made my plea to Hostess Life, o… “Pray show me this great house of… But let me wander where I will, a… For many rooms, and curious things…
In the rapture of life and of livi… I lift up my head and rejoice, And I thank the great Giver for g… The soul of my gladness a voice. In the glow of the glorious weathe…
I do not undertake to say That literal answers come from He… But I know this—that when I pray A comfort, a support is given That helps me rise o’er earthly th…
In the long run fame finds the des… The lucky wight may prosper for a… But in good time true merit leads… And vain pretense, unnoticed, goes… There is no Chance, no Destiny, n…
Don’t look for the flaws as you go… And even when you find them, It is wise and kind to be somewhat… And look for the virtue behind the… For the cloudiest night has a hint…
In the fair morning of his life, When his pure heart lay in his bre… Panting, with all that wild unrest To plunge into the great world’s s… That fills young hearts with mad d…
In the youth of the year, when the… When the green was showing on tree… And the tenderest light of all lig… The world from zenith to outermost… My soul grew sad and longingly lon…
Of all the waltzes the great Stra… mad with melody, rhythm—rife From the very first to the final n… Give me his “Artist’s Life!” It stirs my blood to my finger end…
I think I never passed so sad an… Dear friend, as that one at the ch… The edifice from basement to the t… Was one resplendent blaze of colou… Up through broad aisles the stylis…
To-day I was so weary and I lay In that delicious state of semi-wa… When baby, sitting with his nurse… Cried loud for “mamma,” all his to… I was so weary and I needed rest,
In a land beyond sight or conceivi… In a land where no blight is, no w… No darkness, no graves, and no gri… There lies the great ocean of song… And its waves, oh, its waves unbeh…
We will be what we could be. Do n… “It might have been, had not this,… No fate can keep us from the chose… He only might who is. We will do what we could do. Do n…
Though with gods the world is cumb… Gods unnamed, and gods unnumbered, Never god was known to be Who had not his devotee. So I dedicate to mine,
Oh, I have dreams. I sometimes d… In the full meaning of that splend… Its subtle music which few men hav… Though all may hear it, sounding t… Its mountain heights by mystic bre…
Alone it stands in Poesy’s fair l… A temple by the muses set apart; A perfect structure of consummate… By artists builded and by genius p… Beyond the reach of the apprentice…
Fling my past behind me, like a ro… Worn threadbare in the seams, and… I have outgrown it. Wherefore sho… And dwell up on its beauty, and it… Of Oriental splendour, or complai…
That was a curious dream; I thoug… Great planets that are drawing nea… With such unerring certainty begun To talk together in a mighty glee. They spoke of vast convulsions whi…
Let mine not be that saddest fate… To live beyond my greater self; to… My faculties decaying, as the tree Stands stark and helpless while it… Let me hear rather the imperious c…
There is no chance, no destiny, no… Can circumvent or hinder or contro… The firm resolve of a determined s… Gifts count for nothing; will alon… All things give way before it, soo…
Falling upon the frozen world last… I heard the slow beat of the Wint… Poor foolish drops, down-dripping… The ice-bound Earth but mocked th… Far better had the fixedness of wh…
Life, like a romping schoolboy, fu… Doth bear us on his shoulder for a… There is no path too steep for him… With strong, lithe limbs, as agile… As some young roe, he speeds by va…
“Genius, a man’s weapon, a woman’s… Dear God! there is no sadder fate… Than to be burdened so that you ca… Sit down contented with the common… Of happy mother and devoted wife.
Let the dream go. Are there not o… In vastness of clouds hid from thy… That yet shall gild with beautiful… And shoot the shadows through and… What matters one lost vision of th…
Love breathed a secret to her list… And said “Be silent.” Though she… And dwelt as one within a world ap… Yet sun and star seemed by that se… And where she passed, each whisper…
I look down the lengthening distan… Far back to youth’s valley of hope… How strange seemed the ways of exi… How infinite life and its scope! What dreams, what ambitions came t…
Last night I saw Helena. She wh… Of late all men have sounded. Sh… Young Angus rashly sought a silen… Rather than live without her all h… Wise men go mad who look upon her…
Nothing remains of unrecorded ages That lie in the silent cemetery ti… Their wisdom may have shamed our w… Their glory may have been indeed s… How weak do seem our strivings aft…
I and my Soul are alone to-day, All in the shining weather; We were sick of the world, and put… So we could rejoice together. Our host, the Sun, in the blue, b…
Now, while thy rounded cheek is fr… While beauty lingers, laughing, in… Ere thy young heart shall meet the… Or thy blithe soul become the home… Were it not kindness should I giv…
[In an interview with Lawrence Ba… Not to the crowded East, Where, in a well-worn groove, Like the harnessed wheel of a grea… The trammelled mind must move—
I set out for the Land of Content… By the gay crowded pleasure-highwa… With laughter, and jesting, I wen… With the mirth-loving throng for a… Then I knew I had wandered astray…
High in the heavens I saw the moo… Albeit the sun shone bright; Unto my soul it spoke, in voice of… ‘Remember Night! ’
After the battles are over, And the war drums cease to beat, And no more is heard on the hillsi… The sound of hurrying feet, Full many a noble action,
I have been across the bridges of… Wet with tears Were the ties on which I trod, go… Down the track To the valley where I left, 'neat…
As some dusk mother shields from a… The tired child she gathers to her… The brunette Night doth fold me i… And hushes me to perfect peace and… Her eyes of stars shine on me, and…
The world grows green on a thousan… By a thousand willows the bees are… And a million birds by a million r… Sing of the golden season coming. But, gazing out on the sun-kist le…
If the sad old world should jump a… Sometime, in its dizzy spinning, And go off the track with a sudden… What an end would come to the sinn… What a rest from strife and the bu…
Is it the world, or my eyes, that… I see not the grace that I used t… In the meadow-brook whose song was… In the boughs of the willow tree. The brook runs slower—its song see…
Not they who know the awful gibbet… Not they who, while sad years go b… The sunless cells of lonely prison… Do suffer fullest penalty for sin. ’Tis they who walk the highways un…
I feel the stirrings in me of grea… New half-fledged thoughts rise up… And tremble on the margin of their… Then flutter back, and hide within… Beholding space, they doubt their…
What can be said in New Year rhym… That’s not been said a thousand ti… The new years come, the old years… We know we dream, we dream we know… We rise up laughing with the light…
A vision beauteous as the morn, With heavenly eyes and tresses str… Slow glided o’er a field late shor… Where walked a poet idly dreaming. He saw her, and joy lit his face.
How happy they are, in all seeming… How gay, or how smilingly proud, How brightly their faces are beami… These people who make up the crowd… How they bow, how they bend, how t…
Life and I are lovers, straying Arm in arm along: Often like two children Maying, Full of mirth and song, Life plucks all the blooming hours
Upon the white cheek of the Cheru… I saw a tear. Alas! I murmured, that the Year s… So soon a sorrow. Just then the sunlight fell with s…
Of a thousand things that the Yea… The busy Old Year who has gone aw… How many will rise in the Spring,… Brought to life by the sun of May… Will the rose-tree branches, so wh…
Toward even when the day leans dow… To kiss the upturned face of night… Out just beyond the loud-voiced to… I know a spot of calm delight. Like crimson arrows from a quiver
Every morning and every night There passes our window near the s… A little girl with an eye so brigh… And a cheek so round and a lip so… The daintiest, jauntiest little mi…
Up from the South come the birds… Frightened away by the presence of… Back to the vale comes the verdure… Back to the forest the leaves that… Over the hillside the carpet of sp…
After the May time and after the… Rare with blossoms and perfume swe… Cometh the round world’s royal noo… The red midsummer of blazing heat, When the sun, like an eye that nev…
I saw the wild honey-bee kissing a… A wee one, that grows Down low on the bush, where her si… Cannot see all that’s done As the moments roll on.
Across the miles that stretch betw… Through days of gloom or glad sunl… There shines a face I have not se… Which yet doth make my world more… He may be near, he may be far,
One leaned on velvet cushions like… To see him pass, the hero of an ho… Whom men called great. She bowed… And smiled, and blushed, and knew… One trailed her tinselled garments…
Slipping away—slipping away! Out of our brief year slips the M… And Winter lingers, and Summer fl… And Sorrow abideth, and Pleasure… And the days are short, and the ni…
It is done! in the fire’s fitful f… The last line has withered and cur… In a tiny white heap of dead ashes Lie buried the hopes of your world… There were mad foolish vows in eac…
Somebody said, in the crowd, last… That you were married, or soon to… I have not thought of you, I beli… Since last we parted. Let me see… Five long Summers have passed sin…
In a garb that was guiltless of co… She stood, with a dull, listless a… A creature of dumps and of dolours… But most undeniably fair. The folds of her garment fell roun…
Lie still and rest, in that serene… That on this holy morning comes to… Who have been burdened with the ca… The sad heart weary and the tired… Lie still and rest -