There was a fair green garden slop… From the south-east side of the mo… And the earliest tint of the dawn… Down through its paths, from the d… The bluest skies and the reddest r…
Though critics may bow to art, and… It is not art, but heart, which wi… Though smooth be the heartless pra… And the finest phrase falls dead i… Though perfect the player’s touch,…
Why do we grudge our sweets so to… Who, God knows, find at best too… And then with generous, open hands… Unto the dead our all? Why do we pierce the warm hearts,…
Sometimes I feel so passionate a… For spiritual perfection here belo… This vigorous frame, with healthfu… Seems my determined foe, So actively it makes a stern resis…
If I should die, how kind you all… In that strange hour I would not… There are no words too beautiful t… Of one who goes forevermore away Across that ebbing tide which has…
I am troubled to-night with a curi… It is not of the flesh, it is not… Nor yet of a heart that is breakin… But down still deeper, and out of… In the place where the soul and th…
I said this morning, as I leaned… My shutters open to the Spring’s… ‘Tell me, O Earth, how is it that… Year after year the same fresh fee… How do you keep your young exultan…
Why do we pity those who weep? Th… That finds a ready outlet in the f… Of salt and bitter tears is blesse… And does not need our sympathies.… But fits the shorn field for new y…
Whoever was begotten by pure love, And came desired and welcome into… Is of immaculate conception. He Whose heart is full of tenderness… Who loves mankind more than he lov…
Let there be many windows to your… That all the glory of the universe May beautify it. Not the narrow p… Of one poor creed can catch the ra… That shine from countless sources.…
When first I looked upon the face… I shrank repelled, as one shrinks… Who stands with dagger poised, as… I was in search of Pleasure and o… I turned aside to let him pass: in…
The impulse of all love is to crea… God was so full of love, in his em… He clasped the empty nothingness o… And low! the solar system! High i… The mighty sun sat, so supreme and…
One time in Arcadie’s fair bowers There met a bright immortal band, To choose their emblems from the f… That made an Eden of that land. Sweet Constancy, with eyes of hop…
Life is too short for any vain reg… Let dead delight bury its dead, I… And let us go upon our way forgett… The joys and sorrows of each yeste… Between the swift sun’s rising and…
As the ambitious sculptor, tireles… Chisel and hammer to the block at… Before my half-formed character I… And ply the shining tools of menta… I’ll cut away a huge, unsightly si…
It seemeth such a little way to me Across to that strange country—the… And yet, not strange, for it has g… The home of those of whom I am so… They make it seem familiar and mos…
The saddest hour of anguish and of… Is not that season of supreme desp… When we can find no least light an… To gild the dread, black shadow of… Not in that luxury of sorrow when
Show me the way that leads to the… I do not care what tempests may as… I shall be given courage for the s… I know my strength will not desert… I know that I shall conquer in th…
I into life so full of love was se… That all the shadows which fall on… Of every human being could not sta… But fled before the light my spiri… I saw the world through gold and c…
Build on resolve, and not upon reg… The structure of thy future. Do… Among the shadows of old sins, but… Thine own soul’s light shine on th… And dissipate the darkness. Wast…
I, at Eleusis, saw the finest sig… When early morning’s banners were… From high Olympus, gazing on the… The ancient gods once saw it with… Sad Demeter had in a single night
There is a courage, a majestic thi… That springs forth from the brow o… Minerva-like, and dares all danger… And all the threatening future yet… Crowned with the helmet of great s…
Laugh, and the world laughs with y… Weep, and you weep alone. For the sad old earth must borrow… But has trouble enough of its own. Sing, and the hills will answer;
The year outgrows the spring it th… And clasps the summer with a new d… Yet wearied, leaves her languors a… When cool-browed autumn dawns upon… The tree outgrows the bud’s sugges…
Come, cuddle your head on my shoul… Your head like the golden-rod, And we will go sailing away from h… To the beautiful land of Nod. Away from life’s hurry, and flurry…
In the still jungle of the senses… A tiger soundly sleeping, till one… A bold young hunter chanced to com… ‘How calm,’ he said, ‘that splendi… I long to rouse him into swift sur…
Only a simple rhyme of love and so… Where “blisses” rhymed with “kisse… Yet, reading it, new strength I s… To live on bravely and to do my pa… A little rhyme about a heart that’…
I may not reach the heights I see… My untried strength may fail me; Or, halfway up the mountain peak Fierce tempests may assail me. But though that place I never gai…
Methinks ofttimes my heart is like… That goes forth through the summer… And gathers honey from all growing… In garden plot, or on the clover l… When the long afternoon grows late…
There is a haunting phantom called… A shadowy creature robed somewhat… But fairer in the face, whom all m… By her said mien, and eyes forever… No heart would seek her; but once…
Let me lean hard upon the Eternal… In all earth’s devious ways, I so… And found it not. I will be stron… And lean upon myself. I will not… And importune all heaven with my c…
Because of the fullness of what I… All that I have seems poor and va… If I had not been happy, I were n… Tho’ my salt is savorless, why com… From the ripe perfection of what w…
I saw the day lean o’er the world’… And peer into night’s chasm, dark… High in his hand he held a blazing… Then dropped it and plunged headlo… With lurid splendor that swift pal…
Through rivers of veins on the nam… The tide of my life goes hurriedly… Till it reaches that curious wheel… The human heart, which is never at… Faster, faster, it cries, and leap…
Quite carelessly I turned the new… A song I sang, full many a year a… Smiled up at me, as in a busy stre… One meets an old-time friend he us… So full it was, that simple little…
The hurry of the times affects us… In this swift rushing hour, we cro… And thrust each other backward as… And do not pause to lay sufficient… Upon that good, strong, true word,…
I strolled last eve across the lon… One solitary picture struck my eye… A distant ploughboy stood against… How far he seemed above the noisy… Upon the bosom of a cloud the sod
He who possesses virtue at its bes… Or greatness in the true sense of… Has one day started even with that… Whose swift feet now speed, but at… It is the same force in the human…
In the dark night, from sweet refr… I wake to hear outside my window-p… The uncurbed fury of the wild spri… And weird winds lashing the defian… And roar of floods that gather str…
Some cawing Crows, a hooting Owl, A Hawk, a Canary, an old Marsh-F… One day all meet together To hold a caucus and settle the fa… Of a certain bird (without a mate)…