
** Your Spirit**

In the realm where light meets shadow’s embrace,
Father God, in celestial grace,
Your presence rules all with a gentle hand,
Guiding souls through the shifting sand.
Majestic in the heavens above,
Eternity echoes Your boundless love,
In every whisper of the wind,
In every song that creation sings.
Oh, Father God, eternal and true,
In You, all souls find solace anew,
An ever-present guiding light,
Guiding us through the darkest night.
In the depths of our weary souls,
You plant the seeds of love that grow,
A beacon of hope in the darkest hour,
Father God, in You, we find our power.
May Your Spirit forever ignite,
The flames of faith that burn so bright,
In the hearts of all who seek Your grace,
Father God, in Your eternal embrace.
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