
**Thank you Lord**

In the shadows of doubt, I knelt and prayed,
To the heavens above, my sins laid bare.
With trembling breath, my confession made,
Hoping for mercy, for redemption to share.
Through tears of repentance, my spirit cried,
Seeking solace in the darkness of my heart.
And lo, a whisper, a presence by my side,
The Lord’s grace enveloping every part.
Oh, thank you, Lord, for hearing my plea,
For not turning away from my wretched tale.
Your forgiveness, a balm that sets me free,
Restoring my soul, lifting the veil.
May your love shine bright, a beacon to guide,
Through the trials and tribulations of this life.
For in your mercy, I will forever confide,
Thank you, dear Lord, for saving me from strife.
Other works by ElidethAbreu...
