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Serenata de Amor

My serenade

Serenata de Amor, a song of love
Whispers of passion, carried above
Through the night, a sweet melody
A symphony of hearts, dancing free
Underneath the moon’s gentle glow
Two lovers sway, in each other’s glow
Their souls entwined, in a lover’s embrace
Lost in the magic, of this enchanted place
The stars, they twinkle, in approval it seems
As the serenade of love, fills their dreams
With every note, their hearts beat in time
A love so pure, so sweet, so divine
The nightingale joins in, with a harmonious tune
As the lovers dance, under the pale moon
Their eyes locked, in an endless gaze
Lost in the moment, in this lover’s maze
The wind carries their love, to every corner
A love so strong, it knows no border
It echoes through the streets, of the sleeping town
A love so beautiful, it knows no bound
Serenata de Amor, a gift from above
A celebration of love, a symbol of true love
As the night fades, and the sun rises anew
Their love remains, forever pure and true
So let the serenade continue, through the night
A love so pure, so perfect, so right
For in this moment, they are one
Serenata de Amor, a love forever sung.
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