
**My Love, a Shell of Ivory**

Like ivory, my love, with nacre bright,
Gleaming in the dawn’s refulgent light.
A golden honeydew, sweet on my tongue,
A’living nectar, ever in my song.
Thy presence, like a lullaby, beguiles,
Calming storms within, with tender smiles.
In thee, I find my solace and my might,
Within thy embrace, I find eternal light.
Thy skin, a canvas, where emotions dance,
Thy eyes, a mirror, where my soul finds trance.
Thy words, a symphony that fills my heart,
With love’s sweet melody, we never part.
From thee, I draw the strength to face the day,
Knowing thy love shall guide me all the way.
A beacon in the darkest of my nights,
Thy love, a beacon, shining through the lights.
So let us dance beneath the moonlit sky,
Two souls entwined, with love that cannot die.
My ivory shell, my treasure, my delight,
With thee, I’ll bask in love’s eternal light.
Autres oeuvres par ElidethAbreu...
