
**Mortal’s Mistake**

As a mortal, I deludedly believe,
That I could ever comprehend your weave.
But alas, my thoughts are but a feeble flame,
Flickering in the face of your cosmic game.
Your depths are uncharted, your essence profound,
A tapestry of mysteries that astound.
I strive to unravel your enigmatic skein,
But my mortal mind recoils in pain.
I err in trying to grasp what I cannot hold,
For you are boundless, while I am but bold.
A finite creature, seeking to divine,
The infinite essence that transcends time.
So, I surrender to my mortal fate,
A humble witness to your celestial state.
No longer will I strive to understand,
But simply marvel at your unwavering hand.
For you are the eternal, the all-pervading,
While I am but a mortal, fleeting and fading.
And though I may stumble in my quest,
Your brilliance will forever be my blessed nest.
Other works by ElidethAbreu...
