
Lunar Romance

Romance de Luna

In the stillness of the night,
Under the glowing lunar light,
Romance takes flight,
As we hold each other tight.
The moon, our witness,
As we share a tender kiss,
Hearts beating in unison,
Lost in a moment of passion.
The stars twinkle above,
As we declare our love,
Whispers of sweet nothings,
Echo in the quiet surroundings.
The moon, a symbol of eternity,
Reflecting our love’s purity,
In its tranquil embrace,
We find solace in this romantic space.
The lunar beauty,
A backdrop for our love story,
In its gentle glow,
Our love continues to grow.
With each passing phase,
Our love only amazes,
Just like the moon,
Our love will never wane.
So let the moon be our guide,
As we take this romantic ride,
For under its enchanting spell,
Our love will forever dwell.

# Amor Belleza Inspiracion

Other works by ElidethAbreu...
