Caricamento in corso...

**Love Me**

Love me as I am, without conditions or demands,
Embrace the flaws and imperfections that make me who I am,
See beyond the surface to the depths of my soul,
Where emotions run deep and fears take their toll.
Love me as I am, with all my scars and wounds,
For they tell the stories of battles fought and lessons learned,
Accept the darkness that resides within,
And cherish the light that shines through my skin.
Love me as I am, with my dreams and desires,
Hold them close and help them soar higher,
Be the anchor in the storm, the shelter in the night,
And together we’ll bask in love’s eternal light.
For in loving me as I am, you’ll find the key,
To unlock the beauty and magic that’s within me,
So take my hand and let our hearts entwine,
And together we’ll write a love story divine.
Altre opere di ElidethAbreu...
