At Volga, by Boris Kustodiev

In the land of troubadours

In the land of troubadours,
Where freedom roams and wildness soars,
There’s a song that echoes through the night,
A melody of courage and might.
With words as sweet as honey,
And a rhythm so wild and free,
The troubadours sing their tales,
Of love, adventure, and daring trails.
Their voices carry on the wind,
From the mountains to the sea,
Each note a declaration,
Of a life lived fearlessly.
They strum their lutes with passion,
And dance under the moon,
Their hearts beating to the rhythm,
Of this wild and untamed tune.
They sing of love and heartbreak,
Of battles won and lost,
Their words a reflection,
Of the lives they’ve crossed.
With every verse they weave,
A tapestry of emotions,
Each word a brushstroke,
In their lyrical devotion.
For they are the wanderers,
The seekers of the unknown,
Their souls forever restless,
In this world they call their own.
So let the troubadours sing,
Their songs of wild and free,
For they are the keepers,
Of our untamed humanity.
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