Girl with a Pearl Earring, by Johannes Vermeer

Her Alembic Eyes

Her alembic eyes, where shadows fall,
Reflect the embers of a love gone by;
Her lips, once soft, now whisper to a wall.
With age has come a grace that does deny
The fading beauty that she once held high;
Her alembic eyes, where shadows fall.
The years have painted wrinkles delicate
Upon her skin, once smooth as ivory;
Her lips, once soft, now whisper to a wall.
But in her eyes, a tender, haunted light
Still flickers, like a flame about to die;
Her alembic eyes, where shadows fall.
Though time may steal her youth, it cannot blight
The love that lingers in her soul’s sweet sigh;
Her lips, once soft, now whisper to a wall.
In every glance, I find a love that does not stall,
A beacon guiding me through life’s vast sky;
Her alembic eyes, where shadows fall,
Her lips, once soft, now whisper to a wall.

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