Caricamento in corso...

**Celestial Father**

Father in Heaven, I confess my shame,
That often I fail to see Your might.
Your boundless power, an endless flame,
I take for granted in my feeble sight.
When storms arise and trials come my way,
I falter and doubt Your sovereign hand.
My faith grows dim, I lose my way,
Forgetting Your plans, so wisely planned.
But in Your word, Your glory I behold,
A symphony of wonders to behold.
From galaxies vast to sparrows small,
Your power knows no bounds, no limit at all.
You hold the stars in Your cosmic hand,
Guiding their dance with precision grand.
You raise the mountains, calm the raging sea,
Your love and wisdom flow eternally.
Forgive me, Father, for my unbelief,
For questioning Your might, Your boundless relief.
Help me to trust in Your unwavering care,
To recognize Your presence everywhere.
May I surrender to Your sovereign will,
And in Your power find my heart’s true fill.
Father in Heaven, I confess my sin,
But I repent and seek to walk within
Your loving embrace, Your guiding light,
Trusting Your power, both day and night.
For You are God, the Almighty One,
Whose glory shines forever, bright as the sun.

#Celestial Father

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