
**Ambition’s Flame**

In vain, ambition’s fire burns bright,
Consuming mortals, sealing their plight.
It lashes out with fiery might,
A scorching scourge, a blinding light.
The weak succumb to its embrace,
Their dreams consumed, leaving no trace.
It whispers promises, sweet and false,
Leading them to ruin, a tragic fall.
It sets their hearts ablaze with greed,
Driving them to deeds they’ll never heed.
Their souls consumed, their minds aflame,
They chase a mirage, a hollow name.
But know this truth, etched in stone,
Ambition’s flame will leave you torn.
It blinds your sight, distorts your view,
Leaving only ashes, old and new.
So heed this warning, brave and true,
Resist ambition’s siren call anew.
For in the end, it’s just a flame,
That burns you down, leaving only shame.

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