Unspoken Refugee

A Stone In A Ocean

I’ve danced with the hands of loneliness, and she’s wrapped me up. I’ve seen wretched work done in the dark that I am not to proud to say I oppose a vicitm standing position of. For as you look upon my unburdened heart do not see a saint for I am no angel, no not yet. I am not born as cleansed as the tips of Gods fingers, for I am merely the dirt under the nails, hoping to look as pretty as everyone else. There be a party in this mind of mine, one for whom most of you cannot attend because the light does not shine where love is not let in. I know not of a time where I have stretched my lips from ear to ear, but as they gently brush past the lobes on my face I say I am happy. For thou is not in the simplest of times but thy can make sunshine out of a bundle of clouds if given the right tools. For so long I thought I could stand with only a head assuming I need no body, but with out a frame to cover up my mistakes the cracks in my mask break by the hour and death with no other peeks through the lines in my facial expression screaming of the death inside. I’ve played with the people in the abandoned warehouse and they’ve told me of times where once they were happy. I try to be the lover that she desires to pray on but it be winter yet in this heart of mine and the seasons no longer work to my command. Have you no shame in the options that lay below your grip so close but you touch upon the ones that leave you anxious. I never told no lies to my lover but only to myself and these winds whisper a lullaby into my ears that if I just give my heart to the one below that I will be free to fly to all I want. What a mighty good proposition, but it be God I fly to. I be the furthest soul from the purity of water as cleansed as Jesus once walked on. But I serve no demons and I don’t sale my soul to the hatred that this world as commenced into and condemned into us. Let my heart be transparent to this new found love of mine for if I see not of my deserving of her company than she shall be blind to the beatings of mine. There shall be black flies on my window seal waiting to take this body soon enough my lord, soon enough; but for now I shall swat away the 8 eyed beasts with all my might because I shan’t back down from a fight that I’ve chosen to walk into....for that is not who I am, nor who I wish to be.


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