#English #Victorians Limerick
There was an Old Lady whose folly Induced her to sit in a holly: Whereupon by a thorn Her dress being torn, She quickly became melancholy.
There was an Old Man with a beard… Who said, "It is just as I f… Two Owls and a Hen, Four Larks and a Wren, Have all built their nests in my b…
Mrs Jaypher found a wafer Which she stuck upon a note; This she took and gave the cook. Then she went and bought a boat, Which she paddled down the stream,
There was an Old Man who said, ‘… I perceive a young bird in this bu… When they said, ‘Is it small?’ He replied, ‘Not at all! It is four times as big as the bus…
There was a Young Lady of Hull, Who was chased by a virulent bull; But she seized on a spade, And called out, 'Who’s afraid?' Which distracted that virulent bul…
Teapots and Quails, Snuffers and Snails, Set him a sailing and see how he sails! ..
There was a Young Lady of Portug… Whose ideas were excessively nauti… She climbed up a tree, To examine the sea, But declared she would never leave…
There was an Old Man of Dundee, Who frequented the top of a tree; When disturbed by the crows, He abruptly arose, And exclaimed, 'I’ll return to Du…
There was an Old Man of the Hagu… Whose ideas were excessively vague… He built a balloon To examine the moon, That deluded Old Man of the Hagu…
There was an Old Person of Tring… Who embellished his nose with a ri… Ha gazed at the moon Every evening in June, That ecstatic Old Person in Trin…
Calico Pie, The little Birds fly Down to the calico tree, Their wings were blue, And they sang ‘Tilly-loo!’
There was a Young Lady whose nose… Was so long that it reached to her… So she hired an Old Lady, Whose conduct was steady, To carry that wonderful nose.
There was an Old Man of Columbia… Who was thirsty, and called out fo… But they brought it quite hot, In a small copper pot, Which disgusted that man of Colum…
Time is a taper waning fast! Use it, man, well whilst it doth l… Lest burning downwards it consume… Before thou hast commenced the lab… Time is a pardon of a goodly soil!