There was an Old Person in Gray, Whose feelings were tinged with di… She purchased two Parrots, And fed them with Carrots, Which pleased that Old Person in…
There was an Old Man of Bohemia, Whose daughter was christened Eup… Till one day, to his grief, She married a thief, Which grieved that Old Man of Bo…
On a little piece of wood, Mr. Spikky Sparrow stood; Mrs. Sparrow sate close by, A-making of an insect pie, For her little children five,
There was an old man of Thermopyl… Who never did anything properly; But they said, "If you choose, To… You shall never remain in Thermop…
There was a Young Lady of Clare, Who was sadly pursued by a bear; When she found she was tired, She abruptly expired, That unfortunate Lady of Clare.
There was an Old Person of Tarta… Who divided his jugular artery; But he screeched to his wife, And she said, ‘Oh, my life! Your death will be felt by all Ta…
Mr. and Mrs. Discobbolos Climbed to the top of a wall. And they sate to watch the sunset… And to hear the Nupiter Piffkin c… And the Biscuit Buffalo call.
King and Queen of the Pelicans we… No other Birds so grand we see! None but we have feet like fins! With lovely leathery throats and c… Ploffskin, Pluffskin, Pelican jee…
There was a Young Lady of Norway… Who casually sat on a doorway; When the door squeezed her flat, She exclaimed, ‘What of that?’ This courageous Young Lady of No…
There was a Young Lady of Poole, Whose soup was excessively cool; So she put it to boil By the aid of some oil, That ingenious Young Lady of Poo…
There was an Old Man in a boat, Who said, 'I’m afloat! I’m afloat… When they said, ‘No! you aint!’ He was ready to faint, That unhappy Old Man in a boat.
A was an ant Who seldom stood still, And who made a nice house In the side of a hill. Nice little ant!
There was an old Lady of Winchels… Who said, ‘If you needle or pin s… On the floor of my room, Sweep it up with the broom!’ —That exhaustive old Lady of Winc…
There was an Old Man of Madras, Who rode on a cream-coloured ass; But the length of its ears, So promoted his fears, That it killed that Old Man of M…