#English #Victorians
There was a Young Lady of Wellin… Whose praise all the world was a-t… She played on a harp, And caught several carp, That accomplished Young Lady of…
There was an Old Man of th’ Abru… So blind that he couldn’t his foot… When they said, 'That’s your toe,… He replied, ‘Is it so?’ That doubtful Old Man of th’ Abr…
There was an Old Person of Wick, Who said, ‘Tick-a-Tick, Tick-a-T… Chickabee, Chickabaw.’ And he said nothing more, That laconic Old Person of Wick
There was a Young Lady of Poole, Whose soup was excessively cool; So she put it to boil By the aid of some oil, That ingenious Young Lady of Poo…
There was an Old Person of Buda, Whose conduct grew ruder and ruder… Till at last, with a hammer, They silenced his clamour, By smashing that Person of Buda.
There was an Old Person of Spart… Who had twenty-one sons and one 'd… He fed them on snails, And weighed them in scales, That wonderful Person of Sparta.
There was an Old Person of Cadiz… Who was always polite to all ladie… But in handing his daughter, He fell into the water, Which drowned that Old Person of…
There was an Old Man who said, ‘… Will nobody answer this bell? I have pulled day and night, Till my hair has grown white, But nobody answers this bell!’
There was an Old Person of Dutto… Whose head was as small as a butto… So, to make it look big, He purchased a wig, And rapidly rushed about Dutton.
O my aged Uncle Arly! Sitting on a heap of Barley Thro’ the silent hours of night, Close beside a leafy thicket: On his nose there was a Cricket,
First Part Mr and Mrs Discobbolos Climbed to the top of a wall, And they sat to watch the sunset s… And to hear the Nupiter Piffkin c…
Mr. and Mrs. Discobbolos Climbed to the top of a wall. And they sate to watch the sunset… And to hear the Nupiter Piffkin c… And the Biscuit Buffalo call.
There was an Old Person of Basin… Whose presence of mind was amazing… He purchased a steed, Which he rode at full speed, And escaped from the people of Ba…
There was an Old Person in Gray, Whose feelings were tinged with di… She purchased two Parrots, And fed them with Carrots, Which pleased that Old Person in…
There was an old Lady of Winchels… Who said, ‘If you needle or pin s… On the floor of my room, Sweep it up with the broom!’ —That exhaustive old Lady of Winc…