#EnglishWriters #VictorianWriters
There was an Old Man of Madras, Who rode on a cream-coloured ass; But the length of its ears, So promoted his fears, That it killed that Old Man of M…
There was an Old Person of Anerl… Whose conduct was strange and unma… He rushed down the Strand With a pig in each hand, But returned in the evening to An…
Two old Bachelors were living in… One caught a Muffin, the other ca… Said he who caught the Muffin to… “This happens just in time! For w… Save a tiny slice of lemon and a t…
She sate upon her Dobie, To watch the Evening Star, And all the Punkahs as they passe… Cried, ‘My! how fair you are!’ Around her bower, with quivering l…
There was an Old Person of Basin… Whose presence of mind was amazing… He purchased a steed, Which he rode at full speed, And escaped from the people of Ba…
There was an Old Man who said, ‘… Shall I flee from that horrible c… I will sit on this stile, And continue to smile, Which may soften the heart of that…
There was an old man of Tobago, Who lived on rice, gruel and sago Till, much to his bliss, His physician said this - To a leg, sir, of mutton you may g…
There was an old man of Calcutta, Who perpetually ate bread & bu… Till a great bit of muffin on whic… Choked that horrid old man of Cal…
There was a Young Lady of Wellin… Whose praise all the world was a-t… She played on a harp, And caught several carp, That accomplished Young Lady of…
A tumbled down, and hurt his… B said, "My Boy, O! do not c… C said, "A Cup of Coffee hot… D said, "A Doctor should be f… E said, "An Egg beat up in mi…
There was an Old Man of Bohemia, Whose daughter was christened Eup… Till one day, to his grief, She married a thief, Which grieved that Old Man of Bo…
On the Coast of Coromandel Where the early pumpkins blow, In the middle of the woods Lived the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bò. Two old chairs, and half a candle,…
There was a Young Lady of Wales, Who caught a large fish without sc… When she lifted her hook She exclaimed, ‘Only look!’ That ecstatic Young Lady of Wale…
There was an Old Man of Jamaica, Who suddenly married a Quaker; But she cried out, ‘Alack! I have married a black!’ Which distressed that Old Man of…
There was an Old Man of the East… Who gave all his children a feast; But they all ate so much And their conduct was such That it killed that Old Man of th…