#EnglishWriters #VictorianWriters
center A was once an apple pie, Pidy Widy Tidy
There was an Old Man of Jamaica, Who suddenly married a Quaker; But she cried out, ‘Alack! I have married a black!’ Which distressed that Old Man of…
There lived an old man in the Kin… Who invented a purely original dre… And when it was perfectly made and… He opened the door and walked into… By way of a hat he’d a loaf of Br…
There was an Old Person of Ewell… Who chiefly subsisted on gruel; But to make it more nice He inserted some mice, Which refreshed that Old Person o…
There was Old Man in a pew, Whose waistcoat was spotted with b… But he tore it in pieces To give to his nieces, That cheerful Old Man in a pew.
There was a Young Lady of Wales, Who caught a large fish without sc… When she lifted her hook She exclaimed, ‘Only look!’ That ecstatic Young Lady of Wale…
There was an Old Man of Moldavia… Who had the most curious behaviour… For while he was able, He slept on a table. That funny Old Man of Moldavia.
She sate upon her Dobie, To watch the Evening Star, And all the Punkahs, as they pass… Cried, “My! how fair you are!” Around her bower, with quivering l…
There was an Old Person from Gre… Who rushed down the crater of Etn… When they said, ‘Is it hot?’ He replied, 'No, it’s not!' That mendacious Old Person of Gr…
Said the Duck to the Kangaroo, ‘Good gracious! how you hop! Over the fields and the water too, As if you never would stop! My life is a bore in this nasty po…
There was an old man on the Borde… Who lived in the utmost disorder; He danced with the cat, and made t… Which vexed all the folks on the…
There was a young lady whose eyes, were unique as to colour and size; When she opened them wide, people all turned aside, and started away in surprise.
There was an old man of Thermopyl… Who never did anything properly; But they said, "If you choose, To… You shall never remain in Thermop…
There was an Old Man of the Cape… Who possessed a large Barbary ape… Till the ape one dark night Set the house all alight, Which burned that Old Man of the…
There was an Old Person of Chest… Whom several small children did pe… They threw some large stones, Which broke most of his bones, And displeased that Old Person of…