#EnglishWriters #VictorianWriters
Who, or why, or which, or what, I… Is he tall or short, or dark or fa… Does he sit on a stool or a sofa o… &nb sp; or SQUAT, The Akond of Swat?
There was an Old Man of Moldavia… Who had the most curious behaviour… For while he was able, He slept on a table. That funny Old Man of Moldavia.
There was an Old Man with a beard… Who said, "It is just as I feared… Two Owls and a Hen, four Larks a… Have all built their nests in my b…
There was an old person of Paxo Which complained when the fleas bi… But they gave him a chair And impelled him to swear, Which relieved that old person of…
There was an Old Person of Dutto… Whose head was as small as a butto… So, to make it look big, He purchased a wig, And rapidly rushed about Dutton.
There was an Old Man of Coblenz, The length of whose legs was immen… He went with one prance From Turkey to France, That surprising Old Man of Coble…
There was an Old Person of Rheim… Who was troubled with horrible dre… So, to keep him awake They fed him on cake, Which amused that Old Person of…
She sate upon her Dobie, To watch the Evening Star, And all the Punkahs, as they pass… Cried, “My! how fair you are!” Around her bower, with quivering l…
There was an Ol Man of Quebec, A beetle ran over his neck; But he cried, 'With a needle, I’ll slay you, O beadle!' That angry Old Man of Quebec.
There was an Old Man with a owl, Who continued to bother and howl; He sat on a rail And imbibed bitter ale, Which refreshed that Old Man and…
First Part Mr and Mrs Discobbolos Climbed to the top of a wall, And they sat to watch the sunset s… And to hear the Nupiter Piffkin c…
There was an Old Person of Chest… Whom several small children did pe… They threw some large stones, Which broke most of his bones, And displeased that Old Person of…
There was an Old Man of the Sout… Who had an immederate mouth; But in swallowing a dish, That was quite full of fish, He was choked, that Old Man of th…
Two old Bachelors were living in… One caught a Muffin, the other ca… Said he who caught the Muffin to… “This happens just in time! For w… Save a tiny slice of lemon and a t…
There was an Old Man of Kilkenny… Who never had more than a penny; He spent all that money, In onions and honey, That wayward Old Man of Kilkenny…