I who kept the greenhouse, Lover of trees and flowers, Oft in life saw this umbrageous el… Measuring its generous branches wi… And listened to its rejoicing leav…
This is Darrow, Inadequately scrawled, with his yo… And his drawl, and his infinite pa… And his sadness, and kindness, And his artist sense that drives h…
Do the boys and girls still go to… For cider, after school, in late… Or gather hazel nuts among the thi… On Aaron Hatfield’s farm when the… For many times with the laughing g…
Deities! Inexorable revealers, Give me strength to endure The gifts of the Muses, Daughters of Memory.
At first I suspected something— She acted so calm and absent-minde… And one day I heard the back door… As I entered the front, and I saw… Back of the smokehouse into the lo…
Tell me ye King-craft of to-day Where is Athens, who made men fre… Then sank into stupor by the way, Subdued by the Spartan tyranny? And Rome that staggered to death,…
Oh, you young radicals and dreamer… You dauntless fledglings Who pass by my headstone, Mock not its record of my captainc… And my faith in God!
I was sixteen, and I had the most… And specks before my eyes, and ner… And I couldn’t remember the books… Like Frank Drummer who memorized… And my back was weak, and I worri…
Well, don’t you see this was the w… We bought the farm with what he in… And his brothers and sisters accus… His fathers mind against the rest… And we never had any peace with ou…
’Twas the shrunken soul of the tra… That whined in a coign of the dark… And the fiends were aroused from s… When Cerberus began to bark. ‘Methought that I spoke’ said Jul…
My mind was a mirror: It saw what it saw, it knew what i… In youth my mind was just a mirror In a rapidly flying car, Which catches and loses bits of th…
I was well known and much beloved And rich, as fortunes are reckoned In Spoon River, where I had live… That was the home for me, Though all my children had flown a…
Passer-by, To love is to find your own soul Through the soul of the beloved on… When the beloved one withdraws its… Then you have lost your soul.
Whenever the Presbyterian bell Was rung by itself, I knew it as… But when its sound was mingled With the sound of the Methodist,… The Baptist and the Congregationa…
I wanted to be County Judge One more term, so as to round out… Of thirty years. But my friends left me and joined… And they elected a new man.