Edgar Albert Guest

Under the Skin of Men

Did you ever sit down and talk with men
In a serious sort of a way,
On their views of life and ponder then
On all that they have to say?
If not, you should in some quiet hour;
It’s a glorious thing to do:
For you’ll find that back of the pomp and power
Most men have a goal in view.
They’ll tell you then that their aim is not
The clink of the yellow gold;
That not in the worldly things they’ve got
Would they have their stories told.
They’ll say the joys that they treasure most
Are their good friends, tried and true,
And an honest name for their own to boast
And peace when the day is through.
I’ve talked with men and I think I know
What’s under the toughened skin.
I’ve seen their eyes grow bright and glow
With the fire that burns within.
And back of the gold and back of the fame
And back of the selfish strife,
In most men’s breasts you’ll find the flame
Of the nobler things of life.
Autres oeuvres par Edgar Albert Guest...
