#English #XXCentury
It’s September, and the orchards… And the nights with dew are heavy,… Now the garden’s at its gayest wit… And the good old-fashioned asters… Once again in shoes and stockings…
The moon swings low in the sky abo… And the twinkling stars shine brig… And a mother sings to her baby lov… Those wonderful songs of night; Those wonderful songs of sugar plu…
Let the old fire blaze An’ the youngsters shout An’ the dog on the rug Sprawl full length out, An’ Mother an’ I
These are the memories of tomorrow… Smile of friend we meet today, Sympathy to soothe our sorrow, Roses blooming by the way; Little jests to cheer the living,
To us the Flag has little meant. Each glorious stripe of red Was woven there to represent The blood of heroes dead. On some dim, distant battle line
‘I’m never alone in the garden,' h… never alone with the flowers. It seems like I’m meeting the won… out here with these blossoms of ou… An’ there’s never a bush or a plan…
My big brother will git you fer th… He’ll shine up your eye and he’ll… You’d better watch out in the morn… Will be lookin’ fer you, jes’ for… You can slap me an’ cuff me
The miser thinks he’s living when… The soldier calls it living when h… The sailor thinks it living to be… And upon this vital subject no two… But I hold to the opinion, as I w…
With a twinkle in his eye He’d come gayly walkin’ by An’ he’d whistle to the children An’ he’d beckon 'em to come, Then he’d chuckle low an’ say,
To serve my country day by day At any humble post I may; To honor and respect her flag, To live the traits of which I bra… To be American in deed
The path o’ little children is the… Where green is every valley and ev… Where laughter’s always ringing an… And where the hurts are little hur… The path o’ little children, on th…
’Twas hard to think that he must g… We knew that we should miss him so… We thought that he must always sta… Beside us, laughing, day by day; That he must never know the care
I have no wish to rail at fate, And vow that I’m unfairly treated… I do not give vent to my hate Because at times I am defeated. Life has its ups and downs, I kno…
Right must not live in idleness, Nor dwell in smug content; It must be strong, against the thr… Of foes, on evil bent. Justice must not a weakling be
MARK TWAIN is dead! No, no, t… Say rather Clemens knows life’s m… Say rather Clemens has been calle… But Twain still lives for all the… Mark Twain is dead! 'T is false,…