Edgar Albert Guest

The Little Chap

DO you know why men dig ditches
And why others till the soil?
Do you know why men seek riches,
And each morn go out to toil?
It’s because at home there’s waiting
Till the busy day is through
Some such sunny, captivating
Little fellow just like you.
Do you know why one seeks money
And another tries for fame?
It’s to pay for bread and honey
For the tot that bears his name.
Back of everything men tackle,
Back of everything men do
You will find the merry cackle
Of a little chap like you.
Men have, smiling, gone to battle,
Men have mastered all their fears
Just because their baby’s prattle
Still was ringing in their ears.
And when all the fates were smiting
They kept on with purpose true,
Undiscouraged. They were fighting
For a little chap like you.
So that’s why I care for money,
Why I work the long day through;
It’s to pay for bread and honey
For a little chap like you.
Back of each goal I’m pursuing,
Back of everything I do,
Is the gurgling and the gooing
Of a little chap like you.
Other works by Edgar Albert Guest...
