#English #XXCentury
Wherever you may chance to be—wher… Far away in foreign lands; or just… It always gives you pleasure, it m… Just to hear The words of cheer,
I have no wealth of gold to give a… But I can pledge to worthy causes… I’ll give my strength, my days and… My finest thought and courage when… And take some deed accomplished fo…
As a golfer I’m not one who cops… I shall always be a member of the… There are times my style is positi… I am awkward in my handling of the… I am not a skillful golfer, nor a…
IF the song I have to sing Is a dreary, gloomy thing, I would rather silent be; If I cannot sing of cheer, I will never let you hear
There are many to cheer when the b… There are many to shout for the ri… There are many to rail at the worl… But few have the grit for the figh… There are thousands to start with…
Along the paths o’ glory there are… There are youthful hearts and stur… From the rugged roads o’ duty they… To mingle with their brothers who… And they’re looking back and smili…
God of battles, be with us now: Guard our sons from the lead of sh… Watch our sons when the cannons fl… Let them not to a tyrant bow. God of battles, to Thee we pray:
A SCRAMBLE for gold, And a scurry for place, A brief pause for loving, A kiss, an embrace, A ring; then the altar,
KEEP to the right is the rule of… Keep to the right as you travel al… Often, for safety, your progress i… This is the rule for the weak or t… Driving or walking this law all ob…
He tore the curtains yesterday, And scratched the paper on the wal… Ma’s rubbers, too, have gone astra… She says she left them in the hall… He tugged the table cloth and brok…
ACONVALESCIN’ woman does the… An’ it’s wonderful the courage tha… O, it’s never safe to leave her fo… Or you’ll find th’ doctor’s good w… There’s that wife o’ mine, I reck…
There is no music quite so sweet As patter of a baby’s feet. Who never hears along the hall The sound of tiny feet that fall Upon the floor so soft and low
“How’s things?” says I, Says he ‘Not bad, They might be worse, But then I ’m glad They ain’t.' That’s all
Isn’t it fine when the day is done… And the petty battles are lost or… When the gold is made and the ink… To quit the struggle and turn asid… To spend an hour with your boy in…
I will lend you, for a little time… A child of mine, He said. For you to love the while he lives… And mourn for when he’s dead. It may be six or seven years,