#English #XXCentury #1916 #AHeapO'Livin'
A LITTLE the best of it, Allus he prayed for, All th’ time lookin’ Per more than he paid for, Had an idee, that’s
Jes’ the sort o’ weather and jes’… Which seem to suit my fancy, with… On a sea o’ smooth blue water. Oh… With an 'I’ in all my thinkin’, b… That the Lord who made us humans…
Taking medicine today isn’t what it used to be. Castor oil is castor oil, but they’ve banished senna tea, And they’ve sugar coated now all the bitter things we took, Mother used to brew...
No use frettin’ when the rain come… No use grievin’ when the gray clou… No use sighin’ when the wind blows… No use wailin’ when the world’s al… Only thing that a man can do
IT is well enough to cheer for th… It is fine to praise the brother w… But don’t keep your kind words alw… For the boy who really needs them… Give a cheer when men deserve it,…
I START the day with paper whi… And put it in my old machine, And wonder whether, as I write The night will find my copy clean. Will this day’s finished task be f…
There’s a heap of pent-up goodness in the yellow bantam corn, And I sort o’ like to linger round a berry patch at morn; Oh, the Lord has set our table
There’s a little chap at our house… Keeps the front lawn looking tidy… Doesn’t leave his little wagon, wh… On the sidewalk as he used to; now… When we call him in to supper, we…
KINDER like to see the bright s… See the gay and dancing light side… See the good and decent right side Of the worst that happens me; For the gloomy and the glum side,
She is fair to see and sweet, Dainty from her head to feet, Modest, as her blushing shows, Happy, as her smiles disclose, And the young man at her side
Ain’t it fine when things are goin… Topsy-turvy and askew To discover someone showing Good old-fashioned faith in you? Ain’t it good when life seems drea…
The strangest man I ever knew Is Ebenezer Pettigrew; Dropped in on him last night t’ ch… Of politics an’ this an’ that, An’ when he’d showed me to a seat
Life is a jest; Take the delight of it. Laughter is best; Sing through the night of it. Swiftly the tear
Good luck! That’s all I’m saying,… The best o’ luck, in the parting,… May you never meet a danger that y… May you never meet a German that… Oh! A thousand things may happen…
Until she died we never knew The beauty of our faith in God. We’d seen the summer roses nod And wither as the tempests blew, Through many a spring we’d lived t…