#English #XXCentury #1916 #AHeapO'Livin'
A warm house and a ruddy fire, To what more can man aspire? Eyes that shine with love aglow, Is there more for man to know? Whether home be rich or poor,
WHEN I was but a little tad I u… Tell friends about the good old da… My dear old kindly gran’dad, too,… When he was in his twenties, and c… The burden of their song always wa…
JUST at the edge of the night an… Little Miss Six O’clock comes to… A sweet little laugh is her musica… That day time is here and the nigh… And I am so sleepy, and I am so w…
A convalescin’ woman does the stra… An’ it’s wonderful the courage tha… O, it’s never safe to leave her fo… Or you’ll find th’ doctor’s good w… There’s that wife o’ mine, I reck…
Did you ever sit down and talk wit… In a serious sort of a way, On their views of life and ponder… On all that they have to say? If not, you should in some quiet h…
Lord, let me stand in the thick of… Let me bear what I must without w… Grant me the wisdom to do what is… Though a thousand false beacons ar… Let me be true as the steel of a b…
I freely confess there are good fr… With whom we are often invited to… Who get on my nerves so that I ca… Or stay with my usual ease in my s… For I know that if something shou…
It’s the dull road that leads to t… The practice that leads to success… The work road that leads to the pl… It is trouble that breeds happines… It’s the hard work and merciless g…
SAY, Mister Carpenter, you know,… I guess your Pa and Ma forgot to… An’ I can’t come here any more to… Coz my Pa says a man like you ain… You 'member yesterday, when you wa…
Some struggle hard for worldly fam… Some toil to have an honored name, And some have great ambition. A few there are who strive that th… May save the heathen far away,
A little ship goes out to sea As soon as we have finished tea; Off yonder where the big moon glow… This tiny little vessel goes, But never grown-up eyes have seen
If nobody smiled and nobody cheere… If each every minute looked after… strong, If nobody cared just a little for… And we stood all alone to the batt…
There’ve been times we’d disagree Somethin’ awful, Ma an’ me; Times when I would bang the door Never to come back no more, An’ go stompin’ down the street
Get off your downy cots of ease, There’s work that must be done. Great danger’s riding on the seas. The storm is coming on. Don’t think that it will quickly p…
It takes a heap o’ livin’ in a hou… home, A heap o’ sun an’ shadder, an’ ye… have t’ roam Afore ye really 'preciate the thin…