Edgar Albert Guest
I’m just the man to make things right,
To mend a sleigh or make a kite,
Or wrestle on the floor and play
Those rough and tumble games, but say!
Just let him get an ache or pain,
And start to whimper and complain,
And from my side he’ll quickly flee
To clamber on his mother’s knee.
I’m good enough to be his horse
And race with him along the course.
I’m just the friend he wants each time
There is a tree he’d like to climb,
And I’m the pal he’s eager for
When we approach a candy store;
But for his mother straight he makes
Whene’er his little stomach aches.
He likes, when he is feeling well,
The kind of stories that I tell,
And I’m his comrade and his chum
And I must march behind his drum.
To me through thick and thin he’ll stick,
Unless he happens to be sick.
In which event, with me he’s through–
Only his mother then will do.
Other works by Edgar Albert Guest...
