#English #XXCentury #1919 #ThePathToHome
He was just a small church parson… Looked and dressed and acted like… He wore the cleric’s broadcloth an… But he had a man’s religion and he… And he heard the call to duty, and…
I WONDER if they’re bitin’ way… I wonder if they’re fightin’ very… I wonder if they’re hungry, an’ wo… Th’ way that I remember they used… I wonder if Ole Daddy’s caught hi…
A boy and his dad on a fishing tri… There is a glorious fellowship! Father and son and the open sky, And the white clouds lazily drifti… And the laughing stream as it runs…
I was in St. Louis when their mys… From his dark, mysterious haunts t… None had ever seen his face and no… Yet they greeted him with cheers a… ‘Who is he?’ I asked of men, stan…
The leaves are falling one by one, The Summer days are past and gone… The nights are cool and damp; The little children think it stran… At tea-time, for they note the cha…
He came down the stairs on the lau… Where patriots were eating and dri… The tap of his crutch on the marbl… Caught my ear as I sat all alone… I turned—and a soldier my eyes fel…
The good old-fashioned mothers and… With their good old-fashioned lass… Still walk the lanes of loving in… As they used to do back yonder in… They dwell in every city and they…
‘The world is against me,’ he said… ‘Somebody stops every scheme that… The world has me down and it’s kee… I don’t get a chance. Oh, the wor… When a fellow is poor then he can’…
Can’t is the worst word that’s wri… Doing more harm here than slander… On it is many a strong spirit brok… And with it many a good purpose di… It springs from the lips of the th…
SO YOU 'RE sobbin’ in the night… An’ your heart is ever callin’ for… An’ you’re lonely, oh, so lonely!… That will start the old light shin… I 'm not goin’ to try to tell you…
I like to see the flowers grow, To see the pansies in a row; I think a well-kept garden’s fine, And wish that such a one were mine… But one can’t have a stock of flow…
I would not be too wise– so very w… That I must sneer at simple songs… And let the glare of wisdom blind… To humble people and their humble… I would not care to climb so high…
Good luck! That’s all I’m saying,… The best o’ luck, in the parting,… May you never meet a danger that y… May you never meet a German that… Oh! A thousand things may happen…
The handy man about the house Is old and bent and gray; Each morning in the yard he toils, Where all the children play; Some new task every day he finds,
There’s no lock upon your door, And the polish that you wore In the years ago when you were bri… Now has lost its splendid shine, And your driver’s bending spine