#English #XXCentury
Time was I used to worry and I’d… And think with every ache I got t… I’d see disaster comin’ from a doz… An’ prophesy calamity an’ dark and… But I’ve come to this conclusion,…
SOME day our eyes will brighten,… Some day the sun will shine for yo… Some day grim doubt we’ll banish,… And the rosy, golden future we sha… Some day we’ll know the wherefore…
UP and down the lanes of love, With the bright blue skies above, And the grass beneath our feet, O, so green and O, so sweet! There we wandered boy and girl,
I’ve trudged life’s highway up and… I’ve watched the lines of men marc… I’ve seen them in the busy town, And seen them under country sky; I’ve talked with toilers in the ra…
His comrades have enlisted, but hi… His soul is sick with coward shame… His eyes no longer sparkle, and hi… And I think that she has lost him… Oh, I’m sorry for the mother, but…
It’s coming time for planting in t… Where the lad and I made merry as… The sun is getting higher, and the… And I’m hungry for the garden, an… But it’s tramp, tramp, tramp,
I never knew the joy of getting ho… I never knew how fast a heart coul… I never tasted joy, Till the day my little boy Came running up to meet me on the…
Before we take an auto ride Pa sa… Now just remember I don’t need su… If you will just sit still back th… I’ll take you where you want to go… Remember that my hearing’s good an…
We all are warriors with sin. Cru… we come to earth With spotless plumes and shining s… with foes and prove our worth. The world is but a battlefield whe…
IT 'S a wonderful world when you… And we ought to be glad we are in… The fellow who drinks from old Mi… Gets the goblet of joy the next mi… In a wonderful way
Rough is the road I am journeying… Heavy the burden I’m bearing to-d… But I’m humming a song, as I wand… And I smile at the roses that nod… Red roses sweet,
When will the laughter ring again… Not till the soldiers come home ag… When will the holly gleam again an… Not till the swords are sheathed o… When will happy hearts meet again…
When mother baked an angel cake we… An’ watch her gentle hands at work… We’d watch her stir the eggs an’ f… An’ pour it in the crinkled tin, a… She’d spread the icing over it, an…
A PAT on the back is a wonderful… It gives a man courage to whistle… When hope is departing, the outloo… A pat on the back then says volume… It whispers: 'Keep at it! You’re…
I HEARD an old man say today: ‘A young man gives me orders now,’ A beardless youth gets better pay And tells me what to do and how; While I have toiled for forty yea…