#English #XXCentury
We understand a lot of things we n… And it seems that to each other M… I don’t know how to say it, but si… We have learned that to be happy w… You can share your joys and pleasu…
YOURS is the loser’s part to pla… For you the goal is far away And never to be gained. It is your lot to stand and see The golden apples on life’s tree
Figure it out for yourself, my lad… You’re all that the greatest of me… Two arms, two hands, two legs, two… And a brain to use if you would be… With this equipment we all began,
I notice when the news comes in Of one who’s claimed eternal glory… This simple phrase, ‘the next of k… Concludes the soldier’s final stor… This tells the world what voice wi…
I’d like to be a boy again, a care… I’d like to tread the hills and da… I’d like the tattered shirt again,… The ugly, dusty feet again that lo… I’d like to play first base again,…
HERE’S to the men who laugh In the face of grim despair, Who gather the tares and chaff But sow with a cheerful air. Here’s to the smiling men
Full many a time a thought has com… That had a bitter meaning in it. And in the conversation’s hum I lost it ere I could begin it. I’ve had it on my tongue to spring
JIM had a quaint philosophy, ‘It ain’t fer you, it’s jes’ fer m… He used to say. 'I don’t p’tend T’ force it onto foe or friend; I don’t advise or recommend
I WONDER if they’re bitin’ way… I wonder if they’re fightin’ very… I wonder if they’re hungry, an’ wo… Th’ way that I remember they used… I wonder if Ole Daddy’s caught hi…
The world is full of gladness, There are joys of many kinds, There’s a cure for every sadness, That each troubled mortal finds. And my little cares grow lighter
Nobody hates me more than I; No enemy have I to-day That I so bravely must defy; There are no foes along my way, However bitter they may be,
The smell of arnica is strong, And mother’s time is spent In rubbing father’s arms and back With burning liniment. The house is like a druggist’s sho…
You are the fellow that has to dec… Whether you’ll do it or toss it as… You are the fellow who makes up yo… Whether you’ll lead or will linger… Whether you’ll try for the goal th…
This year,' said Pa, on New Year… I’m sick and tired of ending years… I’m sick and tired of spending coi… This year we’re going to save some… Ma didn’t say a word right then, a…
It’s seldom trouble comes alone.… An’ trouble comes a-visitin’, it a… Sometimes it’s one you’ve known be… Who stretches out a helping hand a… If never trials came to us, if gri…