#English #XXCentury
Who does his task from day to day And meets whatever comes his way, Believing God has willed it so. Has found real greatness here belo… Who guards his post, no matter whe…
If nobody smiled and nobody cheere… If each every minute looked after… strong, If nobody cared just a little for… And we stood all alone to the batt…
It’s September, and the orchards… And the nights with dew are heavy,… Now the garden’s at its gayest wit… And the good old-fashioned asters… Once again in shoes and stockings…
I’ve trod the links with many a ma… And played him club for club; ’Tis scarce a year since I began And I am still a dub. But this I’ve noticed as we stray…
The green is in the meadow and the… And all of Nature’s artists have… With a few days bright with sunshi… They will start to splash their co… There’s an artist waiting ready at…
LITTLE Miss Laugh-a-Lot, Saucy the way you’ve got, Dancing with glee are the bright e… Lips like the red, red rose, Cunning, your little nose,
LAST night I single handed fough… To get my money or my life, and ve… I struggled with them on a cliff,… I hit another one a biff that daze… As fast as one was overpowered ano…
Oh, little girl with eyes of brown And smiles that fairly light the t… I wonder if you really know Just why it is we love you so, And why– with all the little girls
Ma has every confidence in Pa, She says she knows he always does… He’s not at all like some folks’ h… Whose conduct very often is a frig… She says that she can trust him an…
I have known the green trees and t… And the blossoms of spring and the… I have known the blue sea, and the… And the song of the pines and the… And should I pass now, I could sa…
NO MAN really knows enough To be hateful to his brother, None is rich enough to cuff And be cruel to another; None so clever that he can
This is the song of the many Who seldom are mentioned in praise… The glorious millions of toilers Who splendidly live out their days… The millions unlured by great rich…
She mothered five! Night after night she watched a li… Night after night she cooled a fev… Day after day she guarded little f… Taught little minds the dangers of…
HE has not lived in vain If men can say When he has passed away: “He labored not for gain.’ If one can truly say:
I KNOW the rose will bloom again As soon as it is June, The robin will return by then To sing his merry tune. I know the wintry cold will pass,