#English #XXCentury
A boy and his dad on a fishing tri… There is a glorious fellowship! Father and son and the open sky, And the white clouds lazily drifti… And the laughing stream as it runs…
I like ‘em, in the winter when the… I like ’em in the spring time when… But when summer suns have tanned '… I somehow think the children make… When they’re brown as little berri…
It takes a heap o’ livin’ in a hou… home, A heap o’ sun an’ shadder, an’ ye… have t’ roam Afore ye really 'preciate the thin…
As when a little babe is born the… The story of the future years, the… So came America to earth, the chi… A nation that should light the way… A land with but a dream to serve,…
Here’s to the men! Since Adam’s t… They’ve always been the same; Whenever anything goes wrong, The woman is to blame. From early morn to late at night,
My religion’s lovin’ God, who mad… Who marks, no matter where it be,… An’ my religion’s servin’ Him the… By not despisin’ anything He made… It’s lovin’ sky an’ earth an’ sun…
I’m sorry for a feller if he hasn’… To let him eat and do the things h… An aunt to come a visitin’ or one… Is just about the finest kind of l… Of course she’s not your mother, a…
The job will not make you, my boy; The job will not bring you to fame Or riches or honor or joy Or add any weight to your name. You may fail or succeed where you…
He was battle-scarred and ugly wit… And we knew that British Tommy ha… So we asked him where he got it an… And he answered, blushing scarlet:… There were medals on his jacket, b…
It’s bedtime, and we lock the door… Put out the lights– the day is o’e… All that can come of good or ill, The record of this day to fill, Is written down; the worries cease…
There’s a little chap at our house… Keeps the front lawn looking tidy… Doesn’t leave his little wagon, wh… On the sidewalk as he used to; now… When we call him in to supper, we…
In some respects the old days were… Before we got to wanting wealth an… Perhaps the world was happier then… But when it’s zero weather I am g… Old-fashioned winters I recall—th…
IF every day of yours were fine And every sky of yours were blue, You couldn’t know such joy of mine… The joy o’ being friend to you. You’ve brushed away the clouds of…
There’s a wondrous smell of spices In the kitchen, Most bewitchin’; There are fruits cut into slices That just set the palate itchin’;
THEY ‘RE coming home Thanksgivi… They ’re coming back once more, And mother’s smiles begin to play The way they did before The youngsters went away. Somehow