#English #XXCentury
“I work for someone else,” he said… “I have no chance to get ahead. At night I leave the job behind; At morn I face the same old grind… And everything I do by day
Oh, some shall stand in glory’s li… And many a mother there shall say,… But I shall stand in silence then… For I must answer at the last tha… When all this age shall pass away,…
When a little baby dies And the wee form silent lies, And the little cheeks seem waxen And the little hands are still, Then your soul gives way to treaso…
COME, open your door, there’s a… Who is eager to wish you a Happy… He rings at the bell and he’s read… ‘The New Year is in and the old y… And long may you prosper and long…
God bless you all this Christmas… And drive the cares and griefs awa… Oh, may the shining Bethlehem sta… Which led the wise men from afar Upon your heads, good sirs, still…
The little house has grown too sma… Too big to dwell within the walls… And so, obedient to the wish of he… I have agreed for sordid gold the… Now strangers come to see the plac…
They put him in jail for the thing… For that was the law they’d made; They turned the key on his youth t… The price of his crime had paid. And the wise judge said as he sent…
MY father is a peaceful man, He tries in every way he can To live a life of gentleness And patience all the while; He says that needless fretting’s v…
‘My Crown Prince was fine and fai… father said, ‘But he marched away with his regi… they tell me that he’s dead! ‘We all must go,’ he whispered low…
He is marching dusty highways and… His eyes are clear and shining and… He is wearing Yankee khaki and a… And the chap that we are backing i… He’s no parlour dude, a-prancing,…
AFTER all is said and done, After all the work and fun, After all the sighing’s over And the laughter fades away, Then the cares that now beset us
I sink my piers to the solid rock, And I send my steel to the sky, And I pile up the granite, block… Full twenty stories high; Nor wind nor weather shall wash aw…
I’D rather be considered dull Than use my brain denouncing thing… I’d rather not be critical And utter words that carry stings. I’d rather never speak at all
LAUGHTER and song and mirth, Roses that drip with dew, These are the joys of earth; Sunshine and skies of blue, Children that romp and play,
THE little old-fashioned church,… Where the sunbeams to worship came… And the choir was composed of the… The little old-fashioned church th… With its plain, wooden cross on th…