Xaipe: Seventy-One Poems
#1950 #Xaipe
as is the sea marvelous from god’s hands which sent her forth to sleep upon the world and the earth withers
hist whist little ghostthings tip-toe twinkle-toe little twitchy
it may not always be so; and i say that if your lips,which i have lov… another’s,and your dear strong fin… his heart,as mine in time not far… if on another’s face your sweet ha…
into the smiting sky tense with blend ing
Thy fingers make early flowers of all things. thy hair mostly the hours love: a smoothness which sings, saying
Thy fingers make early flowers of all things. thy hair mostly the hours love: a smoothness which sings,saying
spring omnipotent goddess thou dos… inveigle into crossing sidewalks t… unwary june-bug and the frivolous… thou dost persuade to serenade his lady the musical tom-cat,thou stuf…
if I should sleep with a lady call… get another man with firmer lips to take your new mouth in his teet… (hips pumping pleasure into hips). Seeing how the limp huddling strin…
the rose is dying the lips of an old man murder the petals hush
when you went away it was morning (that is,big horses;light feeling… streets;heels taking derbies (wher… hurriedly hunched over swill;one b… trolley imposingly empty;snickerin…
Buffalo Bill ’s defunct who used to ride a watersmooth-silve… …
I will wade out till my thighs are steeped in burn… I will take the sun in my mouth and leap into the ripe air Alive
i walked the boulevard i saw a dirty child skating on noisy wheels of joy pathetic dress fluttering behind her a mothermonster
the poem her belly marched through… one army. From her nostrils to h… she smelled of silence. The insp… of her glad leg pulled into a sole… my separate lusts
i carry your heart with me(i carry… my heart)i am never without it(any… i go you go, my dear;and whatever… by only me is your doing, my darli… i fear