spring omnipotent goddess thou dos… inveigle into crossing sidewalks t… unwary june-bug and the frivolous… thou dost persuade to serenade his lady the musical tom-cat,thou stuf…
i’ll tell you a dream i had once i… a bar the bar was made of brass ha… lying on the bar it was cOOl i di… Hot and the bar was COOl
goodby Betty,don’t remember me pencil your eyes dear and have a g… with the tall tight boys at Tabari… s,keep your teeth snowy, stick to… wear dark,and where your meeting b…
between green mountains sings the flinger of fire beyond red rivers
light cursed falling in a singular… her,rain-warm-naked … (little careful hunks-of-lilac lau… from the world prettily upward,moc…
if there are any heavens my mother… one. It will not be a pansy heaven… a fragile heaven of lilies-of-the-… it will be a heaven of blackred ro… my father will be(deep like a rose
your little voice Over the wires… and i felt suddenly dizzy With the jostling and shoutin…
the hills like poets put on purple thought against the magnificent clamor of
hush) noones are coming out in the gloam ing together are
as freedom is a breakfastfood or truth can live with right and w… or molehills are from mountains ma… —long enough and just so long will being pay the rent of seem
cruelly,love walk the autumn long; the last flower in whose hair, they lips are cold with songs for which is
listen beloved i dreamed it appeared that you thought to escape me and became a great
All in green went my love riding on a great horse of gold into the silver dawn. four lean hounds crouched low and… the merry deer ran before.
even a pencil has fear to do the posed body luckily made a pen is dreadfully afraid of her of this of the smile’s two eyes….too, since the world’s but
why must itself up every of a park anus stick some quote statue unquo… prove that a hero equals any jerk who was afraid to dare to answer “… quote citizens unquote might other…