At Bethlehem upon the hill, The day was done, the night was ni… The dusk was deep and had its will… The stars were very small and stil… Like unblown tapers, faint and hig…
Here there is balm for every tende… Wounded by life; Rest for each one who bore a valia… Crushed in the strife. I suffered there and held a losing…
Gather the leaves from the forest And blow them over the world, The wind of winter follows The wind of autumn furled. Only the beech tree cherishes
O ship incoming from the sea With all your cloudy tower of sail… Dashing the water to the lee, And leaning grandly to the gale, The sunset pageant in the west
O if love were had for asking, In the markets of the town, Hardly a lass would think to wear A fine silken gown: But love is had by grieving
I have seen things that charmed th… Faint moonlight on the towers of a… Flattering the soul to dream of ol… The first clear silver on the moun… Where the lone eagle by his chilly…
She breathèd deep, And stepped from out life’s stream Upon the shore of sleep; And parted from the earthly noise, Leaving her world of toys,
I THOUGHT of death beside the… That went beyond the limit of my s… Seeming the image of his mastery, The semblance of his huge and gloo… But firm beneath the sea went the…
An angel burdened with self-pity Came out of heaven to a modern cit… He saw a beggar on the street, Where the tides of traffic meet. A pair of brass-bound hickory pegs
Nurture thyself, O Soul, from the… That wells beneath the secret inne… Commune with its deep murmur,—'tis… Be faithful to the ebb and flow th… The outer tide of Spirit to troub…
Here in the midnight, where the da… Shadows mingle in shadow deeper, p… Sing we the hymns of the churches,… Whispers before us. Thunder is travelling slow on the…
Under the sky without a stain The long, ripe, rippling of the gr… Light, broadcast from the golden o… Over the blackberry fences floats. Madonna sits in a cedar chair
(The refrain is quoted by Edward… one of his letters) Growing, growing, all the glory go… Flashing out of fire and light, bu… All the world’s a-dying and failin…
Here in Samarcand they offer emer… Pure as frozen drops of sea-water, Rubies, pale as dew-ponds stained… Where the fairies fought for a kin… In the elfin upland.
This is not June,—by Autumn’s str… Thou hast been ambushed in the chi… Upon thy fragile crest virginal fa… The rime has clustered in a diadem… The early frost