“We watch the sun... It rises it sets. Each day a clock... That beats in our chest. We grab at time to hold it fast... But time does slip from our grasp. So what do we have to hold on to..? Each other... It’s all we can do...”
“Stuck on this ball spinning round and round... One day born, another drowned. In between we search our best... For love, for comfort, for happiness. In this attempt we sometimes find.....
Arrows: Throughout my life I have watched… Launched from bows by many people. Some fly straight. Some veer.
“Empty” Where is what I want? Where is it? I look out my window... Nothing...
“Footprints” I am soaked now. In the water. Way out at sea. But my head is still above.
My Glass: “My Glass was so full years ago. A perfect time without streaks and spots. I grabed that Glass in my hands. And drank and drank. The funny thing? It refilled each day! But to ...
“Wings” Let us fly! Let us soar! Let us think no more... Of all that drags us down to the g…