The struggle, the fight, the urge to survive, and travel down that road to happiness I can’t seem to find.
It must be covered by this jungle of failure, fate, and demise plus I’m blinded by this rain of fear that is flooding my eyes
Wish I had wings to soar over this storm of despair to a place that is peaceful with joy in it’s winds and love in it’s air.
A place where uncertainty no longer exists and nothing but supportive and positve words spill from each person’s lips.
A place where the dark truths come to light but instead of destroy they give relief, and understanding a new life.
But instead I struggle in this wasteland of torn emotions and anger crashes to the surface like the waves of the oceans.
Tearing down instead of building the life behind my eyes with the love of my life and little one too forever trapped in my mind.
Struggle no more is what I hope for and to swallow my pride and spit out what’s inside because what’s real is in there but never ever seen
Enclosed in myself and enveloped in the safe of my soul lies the answer to my happiness and the throne of my Queen