You’re standing on a window ledge on the 50th floor of your building… It’s Valentine’s Day in Manhatta… clouds cruising, sun everywhere, a nice breeze tossing your hair,
Remember, a blind man can see things a sighted man can’t… So I’ll tell you about her and th… you can tell me whether I’m right. The first time a man meets her,
Strapped to his bed in the nursing home, he tells every nurse who comes in and tightens his straps
When he was just a boy, they took him to the dump to scavenge, bits of metal, any food that might be eaten. When he became a man,
Ralph never planned on dying but when he did, he was swept away like a child’s kite blown astray. When he arrived at his destination… he heard angels singing, harps pla…
Someone you respect does something that sticks in your craw like a fish bone dining in a crab shack. You try to cough it up
A good reason to get married, Tim told me before he died, is you need a driver to take you home from a colonoscopy. When cancer runs in the family
Some women use perfume and that’s fine. Some don’t and that’s fine too. Over the years
The amount in every paycheck has a period in it. Those who get a paycheck every week dream about seeing a comma three spaces in front of the perio…
This brilliant winter morning find… waves of snow on every lawn and red graffiti dripping from the walls of Temple Mizpah
Heaven’s Sake or maybe Hell No. Even if we weigh a ton our body’s not a problem
Were she here with me now, by the waist I would raise her, a chalice of wonder. I’d bellow hosannas and whirl her around,
Evil without we worry about but not so much evil within, parent to evil without. Evil within, once called sin,
You find old poems in the attic in a box with the Remington Rand you wrote them on in the Sixties before computers were born. They were published then in little
Harley turned 70 the other day and died riding his motorcycle through a pink dawn,