Redbud and dogwood have blossomed above the tulips and jonquils wher… Alice’s house used to be. A possum and raccoon nose around where the garage was before the to…
They weren’t talking at all, back… Deep in that house, conceiving the… they weren’t talking at all, back… And they’re not talking at all, ri… Still in that house, rearing their…
She was just an old lady who lived next door. I’d wave and smile and give a nice hello but nothing more.
With a smile, the POTUS tangoes in Argentina while in Belgium and the rest of the World people try not to cry.
The old priest who won’t retire despite his bishop’s hints rides his bike around the parish every day for exercise. He waves and smiles at everyone
He tried so hard to be everybody’s friend, agreed with everything we said. Some of us liked him, others were indifferent,
Dylann Roof defended himself in the sentencing phase of his tri… after he was convicted of killing nine people during a Bible study, the nine people who welcomed him
Inseparable they are, landing one after another on the ground under the bird feeder two mourning doves
There’s a moral to this story. Police in St. Louis have arrested a teen for felony auto theft. They asked her why she did it. She said the owners didn’t
Otis was once a monk who took no vows, was free to leave the abbey and eventually he did. I met him over chicken wings
I’m amazed at the difference between my friend and me. His response to life is so different from mine. I live deep in the city
Harry and Grace had a carousel of marriage while it lasted. There were arguments galore and children by the score or so the neighbors thought
Simply because anchors have little to say means they’ll keep saying it till others believe. This is America.
If you write with a quill, ballpoint pen or typewriter, you’re a lucky soul. But if you use a computer and write far better than
Happened 40 years ago senior year of college they were engaged to marry in June till he dropped her off