The scruffy old man and his white poodle on a long red leash were neighborhood icons years ago down at the corner
Monsanto still has problems after the carnage caused by Agent Orange. People continue to decay. Monsanto’s Roundup
Officer Burks brings Max the Bloodhound into the alley and Max immediately strains at his leash.
After the Spring rain a dove on a Dogwood branch preens like a starlet
This just in. In metro St. Louis last night a woman gave birth to a boy in the bathroom of her second-floor apartment.
Aaron loves the show on television about antiques. Tonight they have a Grecian vase worth close to a million dollars. Aaron has stuff in the basement
I get an email every day from a man I don’t know and doesn’t know me. Many people receive blind copies of his emails.
Melanie is from a small town and finds a job in a big city and meets Bill, the man she wants… marry so she calls Alice, her sist… older and married, for advice.
He’s always believed people of every faith can live in peace together in America no matter what happens
There are poems everywhere but you have to find them, a teacher told my class long ago. I was a kid sitting at a desk, cowlicks sprouting from my scalp,
Jim Daley and Joe McCarthy had something in common. They died at 80 going to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Walt O’Brien, their protege, found this out when he called the home...
A row of lilacs covered with a summer snow. Ten white butterflies.\ Donal Mahoney
Although it snowed a little Wedne… Jane’s hyacinths are blooming. And in the yard she saw this morni… 50 robins hopping in the sun. Some flew in couples into trees
Walking in the forest as morning comes I hear piccolos of wrens and robins offer hymns to God
There’s nothing wrong with you. We both know this is true but there’s something wrong with m… and you know what that is. It’s the elephant in the room