They’ve been here for years two blue jays who live in our yard year round. In winter they’re silent at the feeder but screeching
The older I get the more I realiz… the importance of getting things d… before your mother announces anoth… assignment to roust me from my ham… As you know I’ve never been much
She speaks the truth as she always has in 40 years of marriage especially when she’s lost in making dinner
The speaker is Phil Burns, owner of the brokerage firm that Owen Mitchell has had money invested with for years. Owen’s not rich and not poor. He just prefers the action of the stock ma...
I turn on the news to see who won the game last night but first the scores from hot spots in the city. Two people are killed
Two people so different can view the poor through different lenses and offer a solution but not the same solution
Oliver Jones, now gray and grizzl… cut the Miller’s lawn for years.… a victim of Agent Orange, Oliver’… almost as old as the Millers, his… Recently he’s left ridges and tuft…
Outside, the still of crickets. Inside, petals of a cold sore foliate,
It wasn’t long after her mother died my wife asked if her father could live with us. We had an empty apartment upstairs. Dad wouldn’t be much trouble, she said. He was old now and had d...
In a yard abandoned this winter when the owner moved grass is growing this spring
We write the stories of our lives between the bookends of birth and death They stay on the shelf
For some nervous wrecks a pill or two might help. For others
When you have an hour to live what matters then is Christ in a pyx in the vest pocket
This senior citizen whose face is Rushmore still squats with pigeons on the steps of the Rogers Park Masonic Templ… She wears a shawl this snowy day
Porch light bright all night keeps thieves away but not the moths that dance till dawn