I don’t know the answer but perhaps the Dalai Lama knows the final resting place of pygmies who live in jungles unexplored and never hear a sermon from
Thirty years later, Dad came back and we met for Ham and Yams at To… Pouring his tea, he told me he had to restore power once at a newspaper warehouse
If I owned a magazine I’d publish folks who agree with me as long as they remained abstract,
Phone rings. Wilbur answers it. “This is Grace. Is Thelma there?… “No,” says Wilbur. “She’s out won… “You mean wandering about?” ‘No, she used to wander about. No…
I will no longer feed the birds on the front porch as I do daily autumn through winter when I go out at dawn to get the paper on the lawn and spread seed on
From my stool in the diner I watc… the old woman with elm tree arms command the big booth in back and roar for a menu, take a half hour to read it
The longer I live the greater Mar… compared with those who have tried… The man had integrity, guts, ideas… It was heartbreaking in the Sixti… filled with hope for change in Ame…
Hillary was at the podium setting the record straight for people who have a problem with the tone of her voice. She said when Bill was
America has had presidents who will be remembered as much for what they said as for what they did. Americans will never forget
A gathering of elders from the local rest home is out for a walk after dusk on canes and walkers admiring roses and lilies
Great Dane out walking day after the funeral small widow next door Donal Mahoney
I have a new email address. Old one may work for awhile but like life, it can stop at any time… One problem so far. This new address sends emails
This is Granny in the Ozarks call… Please come down before spring goes away for summer. The geese are coming through and landing on the pond
Years ago they came from many plac… to study writing at a university in the middle of America surrounded by lush corn fields. They worked hard, became friends,
A rainy Sunday and Pastor Smith is in his pulpit bellowing to the congregation, “I hope you understand