Years ago they came from many plac… to study writing at a university in the middle of America surrounded by lush corn fields. They worked hard, became friends,
Melanie cried for hours the day a drunk driver ran over her dog a week after she had an abortion. She loved that dog so much she told her mother she knew
Walter Branham, a retired teacher, and his wife Victoria went to Applebee’s, the chain restaurant, for lunch one day last week. First time they had gone there. Usually they go to an eth...
Adolph’s been here since the Fort… So have Benito and Tojo. As soon as they arrived we gave each of them a huge furnace. They shovel coal all day and all n…
Alvin didn’t want to be anybody else. He didn’t want to be himself either. Money wasn’t a problem.
It’s time to stop the killing by order of the courts. Time to stop the injections
Vacillating Benny, an ancient che… now retired from Monsanto, must de… if a poem his friend Ron has sent… is good enough for his hobby journ… Benny finally decides to let the p…
It’s never what she says always how she says it and how she stands when she says it and what she says
For years leprechauns lived under Pop’s fedora. They danced jigs on his head when he wore it and hid in his ears
A mountain man is Fillmore but there are no mountains where Fillmore lives deep in a hollow. He’s never had a job
Let’s check the terminal and see what jobs might be available to match your skill set, the interviewer said. The young man
I have to hope America can trust and welcome them especially parents hiding children
Police arrested a man on suspicion of child abuse after doctors found a small octopus in the throat of his girlfriend’s two-year-old s…
Six months ago an old black couple moved into an old brick house on a block of old white people. A dither erupted over the fences
I turn on the news to see who won the game last night but first the scores from hot spots in the city. Two people are killed