When will you understand it’s all about me. The world we live in whirls around my axis. Once you understand
Alive just one week, the Luna moth plastered to my screen door under porch light is pale green and beautiful.
Never speak ill of the dead, his father always said, and his father was a pastor who preached from the pulpit. That’s why whenever
Forget the fall equinox. Fall arrives when all the moths that dance on summer nights around the porch light disappear when the first cold dawn appears.
Things reach a certain age, an age at which things don’t work the way they once did. The battery in your car,
Miyuki is old enough to have been a child during World War II. Indeed, some of her students are that old as well but they are eager to learn and listen to her carefully. She is a teache...
Pete’s never needed anything from childhood on. His parents had it all and gave it to him so it’s hard for him to understand why
And so I’ll tell old Max, and maybe he will listen, it’s time to call the plumber in and tell him,
Let’s look at him from his point o… living as he does in a penthouse on top of a building bearing his n… riding an elevator down a few floo… to an office where he oversees
If you arrive too early at the public library and stand on the steps with Mabel till the doors open
You think it’s easy, embalming bodies in these nightmares I have every night, bodies a vulture
My wife’s amazed when I station myself at the computer writing this or that despite a hound dog
I started reading the paper early in grammar school to find the sports scores. It was fun for a child hoping to play
A minister’s son married a deacon’s daughter after a long courtship. It was difficult at times doing everything right
First time seeing this doctor, a specialist. Took a month to get an appointment. The waiting room’s packed. I grab the last seat